Apache Ofbiz Installation Windows 10

Apache Ofbiz Installation Windows 10Ofbiz

Clean Installation Windows 10

Hello, looking to see if anyone had look installing OFBiz? Dutch bros employee handbook. This is what they have on the website. Download and install the Java 2 v1.5 series JDK/J2SDK (not the JRE, you need the full SDK) from Sun's Java (J2SE) site if you intent to use a release prior to R10.04 or trunk else use 1.6, and make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to this JDK after installation (NOTE that for Mac OS X no JVM setup is needed, just make sure Java is up to date with the OS X Software Update facility). Note also that OpenJdk is still not recommended, there are still some compilation problmems with it (today: 2010-05-27) Download the OFBiz release archive and unzip it in the directory of your choice (see comments below about that, so for now checking out of SVN repository is preferred, see below.). This should create one sub-directory: ofbiz. This will be the OFBIZ_HOME location. Start OFBiz with embedded Tomcat by going into the ofbiz directory and then running 'startofbiz.bat' (or '%JAVA_HOME% bin java -jar ofbiz.jar') for Windows, or './startofbiz.sh'(or '$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ofbiz.jar') for Linux/Unix.

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