Principles Of Neurosurgery Setti Rengachary Pdf Creator
Beyblade metal fight subtitle indonesia. 'Principles of Neurosurgery 2e' provides a broad overview of neurosurgery to house officers in the clinical neurosciences. The chapters cover all core areas within neurosurgery and the coverage is comprehensive without being encyclopedic. Numerous colour illustrations including tables, algorithms, photographs and flow charts elucidate the text. Included within the 50 chapters is coverage of pediatric neurosurgery, neurovascular surgery, pre and post operative care of the patient, neuroradiology, trauma, spine, oncology, pituitary adenomas, cranial base neurosurgery, image guided neurosurgery, treatment of pain, and epilepsy surgery.
Setti Rengachary is the author of Principles of Neurosurgery (4.00 avg rating, 15 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2004), Neurosurgical Operative Atlas -- V.
Principles Of Neurosurgery Setti's Rengachary
Updated to include all the latest developments, 'Principles of Neurosurgery 2e' is the most easily accessible neurosurgery book on the market today.